Outbound Auto Dialers

Make efficient, effective outbound contact

Auto Dialers Available via Plugin or API

4outbound has a range of different dialing modes you can choose between, depending on the needs of your contact center, and the types of campaigns that you run

Super Dialer

You may be aware of the capabilities of a predictive dialer, which we have discussed below.

Using Super Dialing, you can take advantage of all of the productivity benefits offered by predictive dialing, while also utilizing additional functionality to improve call quality, and agent efficiency.

For example, you can allow agents to preview the record before calling, helping them to deliver a personalized, quality interaction.

You can also take advantage of productivity enhancement tools such as auto-wrap, to minimize the amount of time agents spend doing administrative work, and improving efficiency.

Average time spent talking83%


Predictive Dialer

If you have large volumes of records you want to reach, predictive dialing can allow you to do this more quickly.

With predictive dialing enabled, the dialer will make calls automatically in the background, and when answered, they’ll be connected to an agent.

This allows you to get through large volumes of leads quickly, and massively improve the amount of time agents spend talking to people, especially when paired with 4outbound answering machine detection (AMD).

It’s also easy to manage abandonment using 4outbound. You have complete control over your dialing strategy, allowing you to set an acceptable abandonment rate, and ensure compliance with regulations such as the TCPA.

Average time spent talking75%

4flex predictive dialler settings.

Progressive Dialer

If you want to make more personalized contact, while still maintaining efficiency, you can use 4outbound progressive dialing.

The progressive dialer allows agents to preview the record on your interface (or on their CallGuide, if using our CallGuide add-on) before making the call. However, the call is placed automatically after a set delay, helping to improve efficiency.

Progressive dialing is a popular choice, as it helps to achieve a balance between maximizing dialing efficiency, and maximizing conversion rates – since agents still have time to prepare for and personalize each interaction.

Average time spent talking53%


Preview Dialer

Using preview dialing is similar to progressive dialing, except the agent has the ability to choose when to make the call.

Preview dialing is often used when the customer has complex needs, or there is a lot of information about each customer that agents must go through before making contact.

When using preview dialing with 4outbound, you can maximize efficiency by taking advantage of productivity enhancement tools such as auto wrap, as well as agent reports, which you can use to keep track of the amount of time your team spends previewing each record.

Average time spent talking30%


Manual Dialer

Sometimes, agents need the ability to make one-off calls.

If you want to give your team the ability to make manual calls, this is easy to do with the 4outbound softphone dialer.

Average time spent talking20%


Ensure Complete Compliance

Stay compliant with the laws and regulations that affect your business when making outbound contact

4outbound helps you ensure compliance with more than 120 different state, federal, and industry specific regulations, including:

  • Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TPCA)
  • FTC dialing rules
  • Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)
  • Ofcom abandonment rules
  • Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) dialing rules

With 4outbound, it’s easy to screen numbers against internal or external do not call registers.

Plus, using 4outbound CallGuides, you can equip agents to deliver the relevant disclaimers and other information you need to provide customers when they answer the call.

Different rules and regulations we help you abide by

Intelligent Contact Strategies

4outbound is not just a dialer

You can use 4outbound to design intelligent contact strategies, helping you to make the right contact at the right moment, and achieve better outbound dialing results

Intelligent Record Prioritization

4outbound allows you to contact your most important customers first, helping you achieve better outbound dialing performance.

You can set up prioritization rules that work for your needs, helping you deliver a better customer experience.

Sales funnel icon.

Right Contact, Right Moment

Using 4outbound, you can ensure that you make contact at a time that makes sense for the customer, helping you deliver a better customer experience, and massively improving contact rates.

To help maximize customer engagement, you can also get in touch on different channels depending on the context of the contact you’re making.

Skills-based routing icon.

Blends In Seamlessly With Other Workflows

If you are building inbound capabilities into your new contact center deployment, it’s easy to set up 4outbound to seamlessly integrate with these other workflows.

Inbound calls can easily be prioritized above other bodies of work, if desired, ensuring you continue to achieve your customer service KPIs.

And it’s also possible to build more complex prioritization logic, to define how inbound and outbound call workloads will be blended.

Inbound calls icon.

Make efficient, compliant outbound contact – with any communications solution
