Industry Story: Nonprofit Organization

The need: overcoming complexity when switching to Twilio technology

As a large US-based nonprofit, this organization was looking to use Twilio SendGrid, SMS, and Segment, to streamline their supporter interactions on digital channels.

The charity wanted to deliver a better donor experience, whilst also consolidating workloads that had previously been carried out using a multitude of different tools.

One of the tools the organization had previously employed was an outbound dialing solution, which was used by the donor engagement team to call supporters, and improve fundraising results.

Importantly, the organization needed a solution that would allow them to ensure compliance with relevant dialing regulations, such as TCPA and other state-level rules.

The organization needed a way to make efficient outbound contact using Twilio Flex, as they did not have the resources or time available to build their own TCPA-compliant outbound voice solution.

Outbound dialing complexity.
Knowledge agent icon.

The solution: contactSPACE Red outbound dialing and data orchestration functionality

The organization decided to use contactSPACE Red to get the outbound voice functionality they needed in their new Twilio environment.

Using contactSPACE Red, the charity was able to go live in just under two months, using existing dialing and data orchestration tools that plug and play with Twilio APIs.

The nonprofit also utilizes contactSPACE Red CallGuides, an intuitive, easy-to-use workflow and scripting solution, to avoid the need to build their own agent interfaces from scratch.

Using CallGuides, the organization can ensure that the correct disclosures are made for compliance purposes on every single call, such as providing the correct terms and conditions when a donor signs up for a monthly contribution, while also delivering a better supporter experience.

Dialing managers can easily edit user interfaces and dialing strategies on the fly, allowing the team to achieve incredible fundraising results.

The results:

  • Much simpler, faster deployment.
  • Complete TCPA and state dialing regulation compliance.
  • Improved fundraising results, and a better supporter experience.
Compliance icon.

Make efficient, compliant outbound contact – with Twilio Flex
